I'm sorry, when did I revert to being 6?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Last night I went to bed at 8pm. I'd like to say I fell asleep watching a movie in front of the TV and at midnight dragged myself upstairs, but no, at 8pm I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put myself to bed. It was still daylight out.

Ten hours later, my alarm went off for work, and somehow, I was still sleepy. How is that even possible?


  1. eizzil Says:

    I'm always trying to get to bed earlier...and I go to bed at 10 already.

    ps. love your new background!

  2. blogerinblog Says:

    Thanks! I found it here: http://btemplates.com/ and there are a bajillion different ones you can choose from! :)

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