My big sister has a blog, so now I do too

Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 2:35 PM
I used to have a blog and was quite the active blogger, but my last entry was from May 08, and two before that was August 07, so yeah, you get the point. Anyway, I figure I'll try this and see how it goes. I'm not sure I really have enough interesting things going on in my life, but here goes nothing...

So I must admit I had a pretty perfect morning today. Not only did I get to wake up, get ready for work AND get a good morning kiss, I also had a sweet commute! I literally left after 630am and was to work before 7am and I got a parking place (a LEGAL parking place nonetheless)! That is a pretty gosh darn successful morning, if I do say so myself. :)


  1. Beeps Says:

    1 - This was my first choice of blog backgrounds (because of the dots) but I didn't like the layout (hence the fact that it's NOT actually my background).

    2 - What is up with your blog title?

    3 - I'd say your morning WAS pretty sweet. I don't get good morning kisses anymore :-p

  2. eizzil Says:

    Man, I don't know what I'd give to have that commute! I'm jealous :-)

    I give good morning kisses, but he's usually too sleepy to kiss back much. He's pretty good at telling me to have a good day, and though I'm sure he's not actually looking, he tells me I look nice some days too!

  3. blogerinblog Says:

    CN - I couldn't think of a blog title and description, so I'm sure it'll change soon when something better comes to me.

    eizzil - I definitely only got a kiss and a mumble of "have a good day" there was noooo acknowledgement of looking good bad or indifferent, lol.

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